North York Dental clinic North York Dental Clinic
주 소 5486 Yonge St. Toronto, ON M2N 7L3 CA
전 화647-345-6004
수정일: 2011-12-20,  등록일: 2011-12-20
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North York Dental Clinic is a patient-focused dental office in North York, near Yonge and Finch. We are pleased to offer complete dental services including orthodontics and oral surgeries such as dental implants and root-end fillings. We also offer a full range cosmetic services including ZOOM! whitening and Invisalign invisible braces. When you visit our North York dentists you have the benefit of an experienced dental team – including a general dentist and a periodontal specialist. You receive comprehensive care from a skilled dentist and orthodontist in North York to create and maintain a beautiful smile. Your well-being is our first priority. We know dentist visits can be stressful if you’ve had negative encounters in the past. We go out of our way to put you at ease with soothing music, comfortable chairs, and most importantly, constant communication. We pride ourselves on offering virtually pain-free dentistry and a high level of personal service. We study your individual health history and personally follow up with you after treatment. Our patients value the convenience having all of their dental needs addressed in one handy location. We are open for evening and Saturday appointments, so it’s easy to fit visits into your busy schedule. Our brand new North York dentist office is equipped with state-of-the art technology – including digital X-rays and high-tech surgical equipment – designed to make procedures fast and effective. You’ll spend less time in our dentist chair, and more time smiling. North York Dental Clinic is now accepting new patients. Contact us to book your introductory appointment.