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“이번이 마지막 기회…한인요양원 한인들 손으로…정부에 편지 보냅시다”


무궁화인수위 내주 공청회(30일) 준비 박차 “동포들 의견 12월14일까지 발송” 호소

“한인사회에 하나뿐인 요양원을 되찾을 수 있도록 온주정부에 편지를 보내 주세요”

무궁화요양원 인수추진위가 한인사회에 편지(시민의견) 사례를 공개하고, 온주 정부에 적극적으로 보내줄 것을 당부했다. 영리업체인 리카케어(Rykka Care Centres)의 무궁화요양원 인수를 막아야 한다는 것이다. 


온타리오주 장기요양부가 ‘무궁화한인요양원’ 소유권 이전과 관련한 주민 공청회(30일 오전 11시)와 시민의견(12월14일까지)을 접수하는 가운데 한인들의 편지가 무궁화를 되찾는데 큰 역할을 할 수 있다는 설명이다.


공청회는 전화로 짧은 시간에 요점을 설명해야 하기 때문에 인수위에서 변호사 등 전문가를 중심으로 준비하고 있다. 한인들은 이메일([email protected]) 또는 우편으로 리카케어의 무궁화 인수를 반대하면 된다.


인수위의 사례 편지는 영리를 추구하는 리카케어가 운영하는 양로원들에서 코로나19 집단감염 및 사망, 충격적인 부실운영 등이 드러난 점을 들어 무궁화 거주자와 직원들도 위험에 직면할 것이라며 반대하고 있다.


정부에서 리카케어에 허가를 거절하면 법정관리회사 딜로이트는 다시 경매하거나 지난해 입찰에 참여했던 다른 곳에 기회를 주게 된다. 지난 6곳 응찰자 중 ‘아리랑시니어센터’만이 비영리단체다.


사례 편지의 경우 첫 문장 빈칸에 본인의 이름을 적고, 끝부분에 이름과 주소, 이메일과 전화번호를 적어 제출하면 된다. 이메일이나 우편의 제목에는 반드시 요양원 영문명과 프로젝트 번호(Rose of Sharon Korean Long Term Care - Project #21-010)를 적어야 한다. (김효태 부장 | [email protected])


▶공청회(컨퍼런스 콜)

   - 일시: 11월 30일 오전 11시.

   - 참여방법: 1-855-340-1607로 전화(승인코드 3086387#)


▶시민의견 접수

    - 제출기간: 12월14일까지

    - 제출처: [email protected] 또는 우편 Director under the Long Term Care Homes Act, 2007. Ministry of Long Term Care Capital Planning Branch (주소 1075 Bay Street, 11th Floor Toronto, ON M5S 2B1)



(인수위 작성 편지 사례)


Dear Director,

Re:    Rose of Sharon Korean Long Term Care - Project #21-010
Proposed Licence Transfer of the Licence to Rykka Care Centres LP


My name is _____________. As a member of the Korean-Canadian community, I am writing to you regarding the proposed licence transfer of the only long-term care facility in the GTA for seniors of Korean heritage, Rose of Sharon, to the for-profit entity, RYKKA Care Centres LP (RYKKA).

I ask that the Ministry of Long-Term Care deny the license transfer of Rose of Sharon to RYKKAI strongly believe that transferring the license to RYKKA would put the residents and staff of Rose of Sharon, and the future of Korean-Canadian seniors, at a greater risk.  

Several homes under RYKKA - Hawthorne Place Care Centre and Eatonville Care Centre, both of whom were included in the Canadian Armed Forces Report found to be deplorable and negligent conditions. 

Based on the track records of poor management of its Ontario long term care homes, this is not the time to entrust RYKKA with an additional long-term care home and vulnerable seniors at Rose of Sharon.

Under the current management and dedicated health care staff, Rose of Sharon has been managed well in keeping all the residents and staff safe from the deadly Covid-19 virus without any incidents. 

The Ontario government gave the Rose of Sharon Korean Long Term Care licence to Korean Community and it should remain with a Korean community not-for-profit entity that is accountable to the community with only mandate of wellness of the seniors, not profit for the shareholders.

For the reasons stated above, I appeal to Ministry of Long Term Care that RYKKA’s application for the licence transfer is denied for the safety and well-being of the residents and staff of Rose of Sharon, and the future of Korean-Canadian seniors.




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무궁화한인요양원은 반드시 한인들이 운영해야 합니다

*이 글은 온주정부에 보내는 호소 편지로, 무궁화한인요양원이 한인들에 의해 운영돼야 할 타당성에 대해 쓴 것입니다. 필자는 본인의 요청에 의해 익명으로 처리합니다. 독자들께서는 이를 샘플로 해서 온주정부에 이메일로 보내주시면 고맙겠습니다. ▶보내실 이메일: [email protected]      


Dear Minister Merrilee Fullerton,


 I am writing to request that the Ministry of Long-Term Care refuse the proposed licence transfer (project #21-010) for the Rose of Sharon Korean Long-Term Care from the non-profit Licensee to the for-profit entity, Rykka Care Centres LP. This transfer will not benefit the current or future residents of the Rose of Sharon Korean Long-Term Care or the larger Korean Canadian community, but rather it will only benefit this for-profit entity for several reasons.

 Evidence has shown that when cultural care is provided, residents are more resilient and have better physical and mental health outcomes including reduced social isolation, lower rates of depression, fewer hospitalizations, and overall have better quality of life. For these reasons, Korean-Canadian families seek such care for their loved ones, and the waiting lists for ethnic long-term care homes, such as the Rose of Sharon LTC, are much longer. Additionally, given that Ontario’s racialized community is growing but continue to face lower health outcomes, ensuring cultural care that is run and informed by the community it serves instead of an entity that has no ties with the Korean-Community, such as Rykka, is imperative.

 While Rykka has confirmed their intention to maintain the cultural designation for the Korean community, there is no guarantee that Rykka will fulfill their expressed intention as they have no incentive to do so. Even if they do, there is little confidence that they will maintain Korean cultural care in the long-term or that Rose of Sharon LTC’s current standard of cultural care will be met. As the only LTC that is dedicated to care for the seniors of the growing Korean-Canadian community in Ontario, it is critical that the Rose of Sharon LTC continues to be run by the Korean-Canadian community. 

 Rykka has had a poor record of ensuring the health and safety of its residents, which was proven during COVID-19 when preventable deaths took place while within their care. Families and the community are horrified at the prospect that their loved ones could be in Rykka’s care. By contrast, Rose of Sharon has not had any COVID-19 cases and have demonstrated excellency in their ability to keep their residents safe.

 For the reasons above and more, it is not clear why the Ministry is considering the proposal to transfer the licence to Rykka when a better alternative from the Korean-Canadian community has been brought forward. The Korean-Canadian community came together and raised millions of dollars to submit a bid to transfer the licence to Arirang Age-Friendly Community Centre, a long-serving Korean-Canadian non-profit organization. I ask that the Ministry fully considers this alternative, as it will achieve better long-term outcomes for the residents of Rose of Sharon LTC and the greater Korean-Canadian community.



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<저작권자(c) 부동산캐나다 한인뉴스, 무단 전재-재배포 금지 >